The Importance of Wellness

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. I am excited to have the opportunity to impact and empower lives through fitness. I hope that as you read through my weekly blogs that you will find something that will inspire you to a healthier lifestyle. Be sure to follow me on facebook at or on Instagram at thegetfitnation.

I want to discuss today  the difference between health and wellness. As we all know overall health in America is at an all time low right now revealing that one-third of the U.S. adult population is obese. Although fitness gyms, bootcamps, group training, and supplement purchases are steadily increasing we find that obesity and other chronic illnesses are as well. One might be asking how it is possible to have an increase growth in obesity along with fitness memberships and supplement purchases.  As we look at the definition of health we understand that it simply refers to a physical body being absence or free from disease or illness. Wellness on the other hand is a lifestyle not an end to be achieved. Wellness is the active process of becoming aware of and making choices towards a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle. Wellness is determined to be a life long process of maintaining a balance between emotional, spiritual, intellectual, social, physical, and occupational matters. While being healthy is optimal and a goal everyone should strive to achieve; it is more important to know and understand the concept of wellness as a dynamic endeavor that continues over a lifetime.

My personal goal at TheGetFitNation is to empower people to achieve wellness and also reach their healthy goals. As we achieve wellness we can understand and strive for the short and long term goals of being healthy.  My goal for my audience today is to practice wellness on a daily basis. Make sure you take care of yourself in all facets of life. Always surround yourself with like-mind and goal-driven people, because you are the company you keep.

I challenge you to do the following:

  • SET Goals that are realistic and obtainable but also measurable.
  • PURSUE your goals with diligence, persistence, and patience.
  • CRUSH your goals and reward yourself when you have achieved them.
  • Repeat the process of setting new goals once old goals have been met.

Lastly, whatever you do, do all for the Glory of God. Colossians 3:23

Go crush your goals today!

Jeremy Jackson1 Comment